Sunday, March 28, 2010

Armin is here!

Armin Maciej
3/25/10 @ 2:20AM
8lbs 6.4oz, 22in. long

Okay here it goes.. I went in for my appt. on Wednesday and had a NST. After that the nurse practitioner came in and checked me and informed me that I was already dilated to 4cm. I was so shocked. She asked me if I was feeling any contractions and I told her no, but I was feeling some pressure in my pelvis. She told me that I needed to come to the hospital as soon as I felt any contractions or anymore pressure. I went home and a few hours later started to notice that I was contracting.(around 6:30PM) The only way I knew was if I laid down and was completely relaxed and had my hands on my stomach. They were completely painless and almost unnoticeable..but they were coming every 5 minutes apart and lasting for about a minute. Everyone kept telling me that I needed to go on to the hospital, but I wasn't convinced because there was no pain or pressure. Around 10 PM I noticed that when I would have a contraction he would ball up in the middle of my stomach..I remembered with my first son that this was him positioning himself to be I called my mom to come and stay with my son. She got there and we left for the hospital. We parked in the regular parking garage and walked across to the hospital, took the elevator to the 6th floor. We got there a little before 11PM. (I thought for sure they were going to send me home) They hooked me up to the monitors and indeed I was having contractions. She asked if I was feeling them and I told her no. She was shocked. She checked me and I was dilated to 5. We walked over to L&D. They came in asked me to sign some papers..the DR came in checked me I was at 6cm. (close to 12AM) He asked if he could break my water and told him yes. At this point I am still in no pain. About 30 mins after they broke my water I started feeling the contractions. They intensified rather quickly. An hour after the broke my water I was at 8cm. I called them around 2:15 and told them I needed to push. So the DR came in checked me and said that I was 8/9 cm. He walked out of the room and my nurse wanted me to try to relieve my bladder in a bed pan before I was ready to push just so I go while pushing. I told her that I felt like if I tried I might start pushing..because the urge was so great! As soon as I tried sure enough I could feel his head crowning. She checked me and said oh yeah you are ready to push. She ran out of the room to get everyone..and while everyone was setting up I couldn't hold it any longer. One push and his head was out. They were telling me to wait, but I couldn't stop..the Dr came in as one of nurses was catching the baby. One more big push and he was out. Kicking and screaming! (2:20 AM) He was born within seconds. They cut the cord and suctioned him and I heard the Dr say I had a small laceration that needed to be stitched. During that time they took him to the warmer, suctioned him and weighed him. It all went so fast. I am really glad that I decided to go to the hospital when I did or I probably would have had him on the way. I have to say it was a wonderful experience. Hope I didn't bore you too much!

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