Sunday, February 21, 2010

Change of plans!

We had decided on doing another home birth this time around and last week that planned got derailed. The Explorer had been having problems with the went wasn't drivable. After a while of it sitting and cooling down it started back up. One of my step dad's friends is a mechanic (he owns his own transmission place) he offered to take a look at it. He said that maybe since it started back up..there was a chance that it was just the transmission filter and fluid. If so, it wouldn't be expensive to fix. So we took it in and sadly got a call saying the whole transmission was pretty well fried on the inside. Not the news we wanted to hear. So, my little wheels started turning.. I knew we had to fix it, but we were doing home birth (which costs $2,400..well I am sure it cost less or more depending, but that is what we were going to be paying). I knew we couldn't afford to do both and I have insurance that would cover everything..if I used the hospital. So, I had to make a huge decision..this far in the game. I called around and no one could take me because I am so far a long that they said I would be a risk for them. Which I thought was a little silly considering I have had prenatal care the whole time...but oh well. The last lady I talked to told me to call the Perinatal Center because they would probably take me because they are high risk doctors. I have actually been there with this pregnancy(that is where I had my ultrasounds done). So they had me in their system and what do you know..they took me. So, I have to see a high risk doctor even though I am not high risk..which is really okay. I am a little nervous but I am just happy that we now will have enough money to fix the transmission and not have to worry so much. I go in for my first official appointment with them on Thursday! I am hoping they do an ultrasound. I would like to see our little man again! Ever since we had to change our plans I keep thinking about packing my bag and the baby's bag ..and where I will have to go when I am in labor and yada yada. Last time I was at home and they came to me and I didn't have to pack anything. So, I am freaking out a little bit! Please pray that I can calm my nerves and that this birth will go smoothly as the first did!!

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